Have you recently heard a friend complain about his or her back pain getting worse during the winter? Maybe you too have found the same intensified discomfort when the temperature outside begins to drop. It’s not your imagination – winter can actually make pain slightly worse for some and terribly debilitating for others. People with different types of arthritis or joint and back pain can be at risk for additional aches when a cold winter season rolls around.

The pain you may be feeling could be due to cold weather contracting body tissue. This can cause tissue to pull on nerve endings, thus triggering joint pain. Nerve endings become extremely sensitive to frigid temperatures, and the muscles surrounding the nerves in your back tense up. Atmospheric pressure is another factor that can affect back pain. When outside air pressure drops, it can increase tissue inflammation. This can lead to even more problems for your back.

If cold weather is causing your back pain to be worse than usual, try these tips to help reduce discomfort. Every individual is different, though, so please consult with your physician before beginning a new stretching or exercise routine.

1. Stay warm. Bundle up to keep your muscles and nerves warm.  Warm temperatures can lessen muscle contraction around your nerve endings, thus minimizing pain.

2. Stretch. Make it a point to stretch in the morning. Stretching will help you stay limber and avoid tensing up later in the day.

3. Exercise regularly. Activity is an important part of keeping your joints from getting stiff. Stiffness can ultimately make things more painful when you do move. It might be best not to do too many rigorous activities outside when the weather is extra frosty, as you could be more prone to injury. Instead, try indoor work-outs, such as walking on a treadmill or swimming in a heated pool.

Do you have any cold weather tips for back pain? Share them in the comments below!

