Age: 77
Hometown: Palmetto, Florida
Surgeon: International Center for Advanced Spine and Orthopedic Surgery, Bradenton, FL
Procedure: eXtreme Lateral Interbody Fusion (XLIF®)
Surgery Date: May 17, 2013

Life Prior to Surgery: For most of Beverly’s life, she was pleased to say she had not suffered from the back pain that affected so many of her peers. Unfortunately, pain snuck up on her abruptly in 2013.

“The back pain came on suddenly, and for the last few months I was barely able to get up from where I was sitting without excruciating pain,” she recalls.

Occasionally, when Beverly was up and moving, the pain would lessen. However, the aches only got worse as time went on and epidural injections didn’t help the way she had hoped. The pain was concentrated in her hips because of a pinched a nerve. After a consultation and MRI with a surgeon, Beverly was recommended for the minimally disruptive XLIF procedure.

Situation Today: In May 2013, Beverly successfully underwent XLIF surgery. She was in the hospital for two days and walking the day after the procedure. She did not face any complications and is doing wonderfully now.

“I don’t have to use a cane or walker anymore,” Beverly says. “Finally, I have no trouble getting around, standing, or sitting for long periods of time.”

While she does have pain every now and then, it is substantially less than before the procedure. Beverly has a group of people she walks a couple of miles with every night and is excited to be back to bowling and line dancing classes. Although she has to wear a back brace for extra precaution while she bowls, she is just happy to finally be able to participate in it again.

“I often have to remind myself that I had the surgery because I feel so good!” Beverly adds.
