Age: 65
Hometown: Port St. Lucie, FL
Surgical practice: South Florida Spine Institute, Miami Beach, FL
Procedure: eXtreme Lateral Interbody Fusion (XLIF®)
Surgery date: January 14, 2013

Life prior to surgery: Bonnie began suffering from chronic back pain in 2001. She tried an array of conservative treatments, including epidural injections, physical therapy, and pain medications. None of these options provided her with long-term relief. Bonnie underwent one unsuccessful surgery and an additional fusion surgery that did fully relieve her pain, but only for 10 years. Eventually, Bonnie could not walk due to intense pain shooting down her legs.

Through a friend, Bonnie found her surgeon, who recommended the minimally disruptive XLIF procedure.

Situation today: Bonnie underwent XLIF surgery in January 2013. She was up and walking the day after surgery. Bonnie stayed in the hospital for about three days before she returned home to continue her recovery. For post-op treatment, she walked, getting up to one mile in no time, and wore her bone growth stimulator for a few hours each day. Although Bonnie’s recovery went smoothly, she did struggle with some tingling in her legs, but even that went away after a few weeks.

Within about six weeks following her surgery, Bonnie felt completely healed and was back to her daily activities and chores.

