Age: 39
Hometown: San Diego, CA
Surgical practice: Scripps Memorial Hospital, La Jolla, CA
Procedure: eXtreme Lateral Interbody Fusion (XLIF®)
Surgery Date: September 13, 2013 

Life Prior to Surgery: Despite being relatively young (in his 30s), Brendan had suffered from back discomfort for 20 years. He had no regrets about previously serving in the United States Army. However, the time spent in the military had taken a toll on his body—especially his back, where pain grew worse over the years.

Initially, Veterans Affairs strongly recommended that Brendan wait until after age 50 for back surgery, due to the possible complications. Nonetheless, he was in too much pain to imagine waiting any longer. In August 2012, Brendan received a spinal fusion, which didn’t bring as much relief as he had hoped. He became frustrated when insurance denied him another surgery for his mounting pain. His insurance company finally approved his request for surgery in April 2013, based on a MRI scan following a serious accident.

Brendan was relieved with the news but wanted to be sure to select a procedure that was a permanent solution this time around. Eager to receive the most effective treatment, he consulted numerous doctors. Through personal experience and the advice of some family members, he decided to return to Dr. Frank Coufal. Dr. Coufal had performed his spinal fusion the previous year. “Dr. Coufal is the best. He has the best bedside manner,” Brendan explains.

 Situation Today: In September 2013, Brendan underwent the XLIF procedure. Immediately after the surgery he was in a great deal of pain, but is doing much better today. He wears a back brace for traveling and has decreased his pain medication to half the dose he needed immediately post-op. Brendan is scheduled to meet with Dr. Coufal next month, and he’s hopeful he will be able to begin physical therapy soon. “The sciatic nerve pain is gone as well, and I’m finally walking and sitting without any pain,” he says.

 Brendan still struggles with bending down to get things and soreness in his backside. Regardless, Brendan is very pleased, especially compared to his condition before the surgery. “I want to help people in The Better Way Back program because I know what it’s like to be scared before surgery and I want to let others know the positive outcome,” he says. “I feel like I’m recovering faster than most, and I can’t wait to get back to golfing, surfing, and kayaking, plus being active with my kids, in the next five months.”

