Age: 31
Hometown: Atlanta, GA
Surgeon: Georgia Spine & Neurosurgery Center, Decatur, GA
Procedure: eXtreme Lateral Interbody Fusion (XLIF®)
Surgery Date: November 12, 2013

Life Prior to Surgery: Laura struggled with back pain for about 10 years. She underwent her first spine procedure in 2012 and was pain-free for about one month. Laura attempted to alleviate the lingering pain with physical therapy and steroid injections, but she was unable to manage it.

The intense pain had negative implications on various aspects of Laura’s life. “My back injury and resulting pain sent my life into a serious downward spiral,” Laura says. She was forced to quit her job working in an emergency room and had to put her plans for a career in medicine on hold. The pain also affected Laura’s relationship with her loved ones. Laura was irritable with her family members and avoided attending social gatherings with her friends.

Laura was considered to be extremely young to be experiencing such complicated back pain and she had a difficult time finding a surgeon who would operate on her. She consulted with a surgeon and he recommended the minimally disruptive XLIF procedure. After her surgeon explained the benefits of XLIF surgery, Laura immediately felt a sense of relief and had hope for the first time in a long time.

Situation Today: Laura underwent XLIF surgery in November 2013. She was up and walking the day after the procedure. For postoperative treatment, Laura simply walked and did physical therapy. She is now living pain free and back to biking, long distance walking, and weightlifting, allowing her to lose the weight she gained during her struggle with back pain.

Laura now works at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, supporting doctors in the research of something very near and dear to her – chronic pain in adolescents. In her spare time, she loves being active, playing with her dogs, and holding her new nephew – all things she couldn’t have enjoyed before her surgery. “My dogs are my babies, and now I can walk them more and even run with them and pick them up like I used to!” Laura says. “I am back to everything I enjoyed before I hurt my back. It’s amazing!” Laura is also more socially active and is certain her family finds her more pleasant to be around.
