Age: 57
Hometown: Scottsdale, AZ
Surgeon: Scottsdale Healthcare Thompson Peak, Guadalupe, AZ
Procedure: eXtreme Lateral Interbody Fusion (XLIF®)
Surgery Date: October 23, 2014

Life Prior to Surgery: Nayna struggled with severe leg pain. She experienced constant tingling and numbness, which put a damper on her quality of life.

Nayna yearned for a permanent pain solution and she consulted with a spine surgeon who recommended the minimally disruptive XLIF procedure.

Situation Today: Nayna underwent XLIF surgery in October 2014. Her surgery went well and the incision site healed nicely.

For postoperative treatment, Nayna will enroll in physical therapy.

Nayna currently wears a back brace for extra support and has already weaned herself off the walker. She says she is most grateful that the tingling and numbness is completely gone.

Since the surgery, Nayna’s family has even noticed a positive difference in her and they are thrilled that she is able to walk without any leg pain!

Nayna is happy to be pain-free and back to work again!
